Sai Ram. Real liberation / moksha is to understand and appreciate the innate unity beneath the apparent diversity. All matter is just different forms of energy just as all colors (wavelengths) belong to the same electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Thus every thing including matter is energy and vibration. That is unity, called by so many names (God, Allah, Para Brahma,...) and has all the names and no name.
Sai Ram. These insights come by the grace of God / Guru who is Zero!. In Hinduism, we refer to God as Nirguna Para Brahma. Nirguna means without the Gunas, characteristics, attributes, properties that differentiate one from another. White light has all the colors and no color. Similarly Zero has all the numbers representing Gunas and yet has no value, no Guna. Once we cross the mind / ego, we enter that no-mind state where every one and every thing is a part of you and you of course are a part of every thing else! You are together and are yet apart! Zero is in every number and is yet separate from all of them and is also the sum total of all of them. This is really wonderful and discovery of Zero was one of the greatest gifts of Hindus to humanity!
The past and the future lies in the present, which is Zero, which is No Mind, No Time. Once we realise that, the past or the future release their hold on us (our minds). Lord Krishna indicated this in His Gita when He told His Disciple Sri Arjuna,
sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah
(Gita, Adhyaya 18, Sloka 66)
In the above Sloka, many commentators have given to the word dharma the meaning of right / wrong, religion etc. in a rather restrictive sense. However, I submit an insight obtained by His grace that dharma refers to a characterisitc, attribute, property etc., that differentiates one person, one object or one action from another. A solid has some dharmas, fire has some dharmas different from say water etc. Dharma is dualistic and diversifying. Thus it is looking at the external world and is looking at the differences, representing an egoistic approach (the word ego means a sense of separation, the feeling of I and not I - you, they etc.). When dharma is given up and the ego is surrendered, merged into the Unity (Zero), the sins (and of course the merits also) disappear, just as the colors and tastes associated with a water drop merge into the ocean along with the water drop! Moksha is liberation from the concepts of right and wrong, the punya and paapa etc., that cause grief (Gita starts with Arjuna Vishada Yoga, the grief of Arjuna). Once the ego becomes One with the One (that is Yoga, unification), the doer, the deed, the object of doing, the non-doer etc. all merge into One. The karma and karma phala disappear!
These concepts are nicely explained in Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotra, which proclaims Him as "Karanam, Kaaranam, Kartha, Vikartha Gahano Guhah", "Bhrajishnur Bhojanam, Bhoktha", and again, "Yagno Yagna Patir Yajwa, Yagnango Yagna Vaahanah" etc., thus making Him all inclusive. And when we add up all numbers (positive and negative), we get Zero! In Nirvana Shatkam, on the other hand, Sri Adi Shankara negates all these concepts by saying that He is "na punyam, na paapam, na moksham na dukham", and "na (a)ham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhoktha" etc. When we remove all numbers, we again end up with ZERO! He declares that He is Chidananda Rupa Sivoham Sivoham. Whether we include every thing (Vishnu, the One Who is All Pervading) or we exclude every thing, we end up with the Nirguna Para Brahma, who is the only One, Who is Satyam, Sivam and Sundaram! That is why we are told Sivaaya Vishnu Rupaaya, Siva Rupaaya Vishnave...
I bow to Sri Guru for these insights. Guru is One who shows the Sishya the errors of ignorance, the truth hidden by Maya and shows that the Sishya is in fact One with the Guru. Sai Ram.
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